GPSII/MAPP Agency Preparation and Selection (APS) Workshops
1/2 to 1 day
Who should attend:
Agency administrators, supervisors and other agency decision–makers.
In order for a new foster care/adoption agency to receive the benefits of implementing GPSII/MAPP
and its adjunct MAPP
programs and other MAPP support services,
the agency must, first of all, be an OCFS–approved foster care/adoption agency.
Also, agencies are required to have assessed their willingness and ability to implement the program.
This includes a presentation on the conceptual framework of the GPSII Program,
MAPP program adjunct services and products,
Program tools and various assessment activities. It is designed to provide prospective MAPP
agencies with opportunities to understand the benefits of implementing
GPSII/MAPP at their agencies.
Agencies have opportunities to assess their strengths/ needs in relationship to agency implementation,
implementation costs, staffing and space requirements and the agency efforts that are required to successfully implement
and other MAPP programs.