Leader Certification Workshops
COMPASS-FYI is an activity oriented and skills-based in-service training program designed
for foster parents who have been certified through GPSII/MAPP.
The program is composed of nine 3–hour sessions that build on the concepts introduced in GPSII/MAPP
and focus on developing skills that foster parents use in everyday family life.
Through these workshops, certified GPSII/MAPP
leaders learn how to facilitate the COMPASS-FYI program.
Workshop Length:
4 Days
GPSII/MAPP Certification
Content of COMPASS-FYI:
- Session 1: Fostering to Achieve Outcomes
- Session 2: Using Helping Skills to Build Relationships
- Session 3: Promoting Child Development
- Session 4: Supporting Emotional Security and Attachment
- Session 5: Helping Children Grieve
- Session 6: Supporting Reunification through Visitation
- Session 7: Providing Safety
- Session 8: Preparing Youth for Independent Living
- Session 9: Creating Partnerships and Working as Team
It is recommended that the first three sessions are delivered in sequence so that foster parents will have the foundation skills and information
to be used in the remaining six sessions. All nine sessions also have a “stand alone” delivery option.
Resources for COMPASS-FYI: